110 St North of Whyte (Cycle Lane)

In contrast with lanes to the east with more sensible signage, the bike lane on 110th St north of Whyte has large car-lane-sized signs encroaching immediately into cyclists.
Upon further investigation and reflection, the issue seems related to the width of the concrete dividers. While IMO the signs are just plain too large and low, it’s less of a problem when the divider is wide.

  • Lots of unnecessarily-large signs on 110th St

In “Complete Streets Design” it seems like cyclists are supposed to be afforded 0.5m distance to obstacles 0.75m high? This does not appear to be reflected in deployed Edmonton infrastructure.

Bicycle Operating Space slide from Edmonton's Complete Streets Design document. Shows bikes should have 0.5m space either side of the pathway
Complete Streets Design and Construction Standard (2023) (v05) pg 51

The Operating Space diagram below (ie, cyclist’s hitbox) from the U.S. Department of Transportation better indicates required space outside and above of the lane curbs in order for safe cycling.

US Dept. of Transportation cyclist Operating Space


  • For some reason, signs intended for cars are mounted on the short poles intended for bike signs, resulting in a handlebar-grabbing hazard.
  • I’ve only seen these signs used on 110th Street north of Whyte
    • Exists on 110th Street north of Whyte up to Sask Dr
    • 83rd Ave between 112 St and 109 St
  • If the lane is not out of compliance with Complete Streets Design and Construction Standard (2023) (v05), then Edmonton needs a v06 in short order. (Pg 51, 60, 76-81, etc)


Aug 12 2024: Submitted Issue #8026220379

Aug 12 2024: Closed

Aug 12 2024: Spoke with 311, new issue for Bike Lane Maint. Service Req. is #8026222054

Aug 26 2024: Following up: It’s a high priority issue, but there hasn’t been anything in the expected 5 days. After speaking with someone from the maintenance department, they’re going to follow up on that and see what the status is.